Rates and Policies
Electric rates at Idaho Falls Power are among the lowest in the country. We are able to keep rates affordable for customers because we own and operate hydro generation facilities and we purchase low-cost hydro power from the Bonneville Power Administration. Idaho Falls Power is proud to serve our community and provide affordable, clean power to the City of Idaho Falls.
Idaho Falls Power Rates
Residential | Commercial | Industrial | High Density Load* | Temporary Power | |
Energy Charge (per kWh) | $0.0715 | $0.044 | $0.0435 | $0.045 | $0.0715 |
Demand Charge (per kW) | $0.00 | $10.50 | $8.25 | $10.50 | $0.00 |
Minimum Demand Charge | $0.00 | $26.00 | $0.00 | N/A | $0.00 |
Service Charge | $23.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $35.00 |
Certified Clean Energy** | $0.003 | $0.003 | $0.003 | $0.003 | $0.003 |
Residential customers have an energy rate charge and a service charge on their bill. The energy rate is currently $0.0715 per kWh used and the service charge is $23.00 per month.
The service charge for residential customers is intended to cover the fixed costs of providing service – poles, wires, transformers, etc. The energy rate covers the variable costs associated with electricity use throughout the city.
A residential customer using 1,000 kWh per month should have an electric bill of $94.50, covering both the service charge and energy rate charges.
Idaho Falls Power also offers Certified Clean Energy for $0.003 per kWh used. In this example, customers who sign up for Certified Clean Energy would see an increase of $3.00 on their monthly electric bill.
NET METERING (Distributed Generation Program): Idaho Falls Power will purchase the excess electricity at the fluctuating electric market rate. See the current rates by clicking here (MDC contract)
Residential Electric Charges Example:
Rates | Service Charge | Total Cost | |
Energy (kWh) | $0.0715 | 1,000 kWh | $71.50 |
Service Charge | $23.00 | - | $23.00 |
Total Bill | $94.50 |
Payment Extension
- All customers have the option to set up payment extension. A payment extension allows for an additional 15 days to pay the entire balance of a utility bill.
- Payment extension must be requested prior to disconnection date.
- Customers may request up to 3 payment extensions within a 12 month period. Payment extensions may not be used back-to-back.
- Medical extensions can be granted to any customer providing a letter from a doctor or a public health official with medical training stating that a medical emergency would exist or a medical condition would be aggravated if service is terminated. A medical extension gives customers an additional 30 days to pay the entirety of their account balance.
- Customers must contact the City Utilities Credit Office at 208-612-8285 to set up a payment extension.
Residential Disconnection Policy
City Code identifies the time frame and process in which a Utilities account is deemed delinquent and may be disconnected for nonpayment. Customers should be aware of the following changes:
- Any delinquent account with a balance more than 30 days past due without an approved payment or medical extension, will have their electrical service disconnected. Customers will receive notification on their utility bill regarding past due balances at least 15 days prior to being disconnected.
- There will be no more payment arrangements. Customers can set up a payment extension to allow for additional days/time to pay the entire balance of a utility bill. Payment extensions must be set up prior to disconnection and only be requested by a customer up to three times in a 12-month period. Payment and medical extension are granted though the Idaho Falls Utility Credit Office.
- Residential customers will no longer be assessed a late fee for non-paid accounts. Customers who’s electrical service is disconnected will be assessed a $25 fee, which must be paid prior to being reconnected. In order to be reconnected, the customer must have a zero-balance.
- Non-residential customers (commercial, industrial, etc.) will be assessed a four percent (4%) late payment interest fee, which will trigger when a payment is 30 days past due. Non-residential delinquent customers will be subject to disconnect if they have not paid after three billing cycles. They will also be assessed a $50 disconnection fee AND a $50 reconnection fee to restore services.
Commercial customers have an energy rate charge and a demand charge on their bill. The energy rate is currently $0.044 per kWh used, and the demand rate is $10.50 per kW (peak usage). If a Commercial customer's demand charge is less than $26.00 during the billing cycle, Idaho Falls Power will impose a minimum demand charge of $26.00.
The demand charge is equivalent to the service charge for residential customers and is based upon peak usage. The demand charge is intended to cover the fixed costs of providing service – poles, wires, transformers, etc. The energy rate covers the variable costs associated with electricity use throughout the city.
A Commercial customer using 1,000 kWh per month, with a peak demand of 25 kW should have an electric bill of $306.50, covering both the demand and energy rate charges.
Idaho Falls Power also offers Certified Clean Energy for $0.003 per kWh used. In this example, commerical customers who sign up for Certified Clean Energy would see an increase of $3.00 on their monthly electric bill.
NET METERING (Distributed Generation Program): Idaho Falls Power will purchase the excess electricity at the fluctuating electric market rate. See the current rates by clicking here (MDC contract)
Commercial Electric Charges Example:
Rates | Service Charge | Total Cost | |
Energy (kWh) | 1,000 kWh | $0.044 | $44.00 |
Demand (kW) | 25 kW | $10.50 | $262.50 |
Total Bill | - | - | $306.50 |
Fees & Interest
- Customers with a past due balance will be assessed an interest fee.
- A disconnect fee will be automatically applied to account once order for disconnection is made.
- If physically disconnected, a reconnect fee will be applied to account after payment and reconnection.
- Non-Residential do not get payment extensions.
Large industrial customers have an energy rate charge and a demand charge on their bill. The energy rate is currently $0.0435 per kWh used, and the demand rate is $8.25 per kW (peak usage).
The demand charge is equivalent to the service charge for residential customers and is based upon peak usage. The demand charge is intended to cover the fixed costs of providing service – poles, wires, transformers, etc. The energy rate covers the variable costs associated with electricity use throughout the city.
An Industrial customer using 1,000 kWh per month, with a peak demand of 25 kW, should have an electric bill of $249.75, covering both the demand and energy rate charges.
Idaho Falls Power also offers Certified Clean Energy for $0.003 per kWh used. In this example, customers who sign up for Certified Clean Energy would see an increase of $3.00 on their monthly electric bill.
Industrial Electric Charges Example:
Rates | Service Charge | Total Cost | |
Energy (kWh) | 1,000 kWh | $0.0435 | $43.50 |
Demand (kW) | 25 kW | $8.25 | $206.25 |
Total Bill | - | - | $249.75 |
High-Density Load customers have an energy rate charge and a demand charge. The energy rate is currently $0.045 per kWh used and the demand rate is $10.50 per kW (peak usage).
The demand charge is equivalent to the service charge for residential customers and is based upon peak usage. The demand charge is intended to cover the fixed costs of providing service – poles, wires, transformers, etc. The energy rate covers the variable costs associated with electricity use throughout the city.
A Small Industrial customer using 5,000 kWh per month, with a peak demand of 100 kW should have an electric bill of $1,275.00, covering both the demand and energy rate charges.
Idaho Falls Power also offers Certified Clean Energy for $0.003 per kWh used. In this example, customers who sign up for Certified Clean Energy would see an increase of $15.00 on their monthly electric bil
For loads more than 1 MW, contact us for pricing.
High Density Load Electric Charges Example:
Rates | Usage | Total Cost | |
Energy (kWh) | $0.045 | 5,000 kWh | $225.00 |
Demand (kW) | $10.50 | 100 kW | $1,050.00 |
Total Bill | - | - | $1,275.00 |
Temporary customers have an energy rate charge and a service charge. The energy rate is currently $0.069 per kWh use and the service charge is $35.00 per month.
The service charge for residential customers is intended to cover the fixed costs of providing service – poles, wires, transformers, etc. The energy rate covers the variable costs associated with electricity use throughout the city.
A Temporary customer using 1,000 kWh per month should have an electric bill of $104.00, covering both the service charge and energy rate charges.
Temporary customer Electric Charges Example:
Rates | Usage | Total Cost | |
Energy (kWh) | $0.069 | 1,000 kWh | $69.00 |
Monthly Service Charge | $35.00 | - | $35.00 |
Total Bill | - | - | $104.00 |